之前遇到了avb提示”device is corrupt”的问题,涉及boot state。我们先看下官方的说明,目前是Android 10:
After determining the boot state of a device, you need to communicate that state to the user. If the device...
问题Android 10.0 + QCOM平台 + uefi,刷完机屏幕提示设备损坏然后进入了fastboot,屏幕提示如下:
Your device is corrupt. It can't be trusted and will not boot...
参考高通平台Android 10,刷机时发现刷了metadata.img,不刷userdata.img,起不来。
metadata: The metadata partition is used when device is encrypted and is 16MB or larger.
这段时间都在忙着port custom features from LK to edk2,搭了个框后主要耗时在custom fastboot download。
一般我们在fastboot flash xxx_part xxx_part.img时,会先触发一个download cmd完成后再触发一个flash cmd。我们先看下QCOM原生CmdDownlo...
参考内核5.x, 主要关注下资源释放。
/** * device_register - register a device with the system. * @dev: pointer to the device structure * * This happens in two clean steps - initialize the device *...
参考内核5.x,代码路径是在drivers/devfreq/,devfreq的代码定义是:Generic Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) Framework for Non-CPU Devices。而CPU动态调频是drivers/cpufreq,devfreq是基于cp...
Android P环境,mkfs.erofs is required firstly. Let’s build vendor.img with erofs format.
build process for vendor with ext4看下vendor image with ext4过程:
core/main.mk:1111:vendorimage: $...
参考staging erofs,on-disk inode layout相关实现是erofs_fs.h + super.c + inode.c。
data mappings先看文档介绍:
- Metadata & data could be mixed by design;
Different from other read-only file...